BLCC Mentorship Program Kick-Off Lunch


In a delightful gathering that fused learning and networking, we had the privilege of joining our mentors and mentees from the BLCC Mentorship Program for a kick-off business lunch. The event proved to be an invaluable opportunity for all participants to connect, share their experiences, and understand the inner workings of the mentorship program, lead by Patrycja Wisniewska and Isabel Alvarez Fernandez

Over a delicious meal, we engaged in meaningful conversations about the program's objectives and mechanics. This served as a chance for the mentors to clarify how the program operates, ensuring that every mentee had a clear roadmap for their journey ahead. The kick-off not only provided a platform for program logistics but also allowed us to share our experiences and expectations openly.

The BLCC Mentorship Program has undoubtedly set the stage for a dynamic, productive, and enriching partnership between mentors and mentees.

#BLCCMentorshipprogram #partnership #learningandgrowing