Belux Chambers Networking By Sector (Online)


Last evening, professionals with different industry experience, gathered together via zoom to connect and share their industry knowledge with fellow professionals.

After a warm welcome by Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, President, BLCC Singapore and the introduction of the moderators for the various sectors, the participants were given 2 opportunities to join discussions related to A.I. , Finance, Human Resources, Logistics and Manufacturing.

The sector discussions were lively and engaging and the participants also had the opportunities to seek the views of fellow professionals on specific challenges they faced.

A heartfelt appreciation to
1) Isabel Alvarez Fernandez for the excellent organization of this online networking session.
2) Dimitri Duong for the moderating the discussion for Finance sector.
3) Shu Fen Koh for moderating the discussions for HR sector.
4) Kaj Vollenhoven & Elisabeth Leysen for moderating the discussions for the Logistics sector.
5) Francis Vanbellen for moderating the discussions for the Manufacturing sector.
6) Joris Vankerschaver for moderating the discussions in the A. I. sector.

Lastly, we want to thank the participants from Belux Chambers - Asia for your invaluable contributions to the discussions.