Annual General Meeting 2023


A Successful AGM & an Evening to Remember!

Our recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) was a significant event where we collectively assessed our accomplishments and set the course for our future. During the AGM, the annual reports on memberships, committees, and financial accounts and audit reports were presented and unanimously approved, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility.

Following these reports, we witnessed elections, which resulted in the re-election of Isabel Alvarez Fernandez as President, the re-elections of Claudia GehlenSjoerd De ClerckAndre Nothomb💫 Christophe Derdeyn, Jorim VandevoordeChristophe VanhoutteCynthia Zhai • CSP, Voice Coach, TEDx Speaker, AuthorGAO BoPatrycja Wisniewska as board directors. Francis du Bois de Vroylande and Olivier Vijverman, as the new addition to the board, our Board of directors play a vital role in shaping our path forward for 2023-2024.

Congratulations to our President and the new board of 2023-2024!

The AGM further featured an engaging survey and feedback session, offering members a platform to voice opinions and share valuable insights. The evening continued with a delightful buffet dinner, refreshments, and a vibrant networking environment that fostered connections and camaraderie among our members. Our heartfelt thanks to all attendees for making this event memorable.