Business Support

BLCC is a platform to connect professionals in similar or even different industries but facing comparable challenges.

Our main objective is to facilitatecoordinate and support our members in developing and maintaining their business in Singapore and Asia. Therefore we work closely together with the Belgian Embassy, the Belgian Regions and the Luxembourg council.

We promote and support our Belgian and Luxembourg brands and businesses towards all other local companies, existing or potential business partners and stakeholders. BLCC coordinates commercial and business interests of our members for specific, relevant advocacy topics.

Our Board is composed of high-level professionals, operating in different areas of expertise such as legal, HR, finance and general management, and active within many different types of industries. Most of our Board members have been working for several years in Singapore/Asia and have developed a great know-how on doing business within the local markets.

Our Board members are pleased to share their personal know-how and professional expertise exclusively with our members in order to contribute to their business.

Feel free to address your specific business enquiries, we will be pleased to dispatch your demand to one of our Board members with the most relevant expertise and network.